
When you register, use your real name, surname and country. otherwise your apply will be denied.

The pilot has a good basic knowledge of the English language. He/she can communicate clearly, understandably, and politely with fellow users of the flight simulator community

Hand in your first flight report within one month after your approved application, otherwise your account will be deleted without further notification.

After your first flight report  you fly when you have time to do so, either using the ACARS program or by filling in the PIREP form manually on the website.

When the pilot is flying for one of the divisions, he/she has good knowledge of the aircraft he/she decides to fly. ‘Getting to know’ the aircraft cannot be logged. This must be done in advance. We can of course help with this.

You can always apply for a leave of abscence by email, your membership will be frozen until you start flying for VLMV/Sabena Virtual again.

We encourage you flying on an online platform (IVAO or VATSIM), but it is not mandatory.

The fleet of VLM/Sabena Virtual is interchangeable on the route network of both airlines, with the exception of London City (due to aircraft restrictions) and the routes for the DC-3.

This virtual organization is for the purpose of a flight simulator. Therefore, we do not own any airline-related intellectual property. We act with integrity when it comes to simulating a truthful situation.

You can keep in contact with other pilots via Discord

Or you can send an email to the CEO of VLM/Sabena Virtual at should you have any questions regarding this virtual airline.

It is not allowed for anyone to publish or distribute VLM/Sabena Virtual’s data, logos, or other intellectual property without the CEO’s permission.

We are a friendly organization, VLM/Sabena Virtual has a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination and/or bullying. Depending on the severity of the offense, the membership can be terminated immediately. Until a decision is made, the account remains suspended.